Irish addict’s severed head found by security guard in separate room to his body

The lingers of drug addict Karl Simeon Benjamin Faulkner (31) were perceived eight months after he went missing, according to the Bristol Tack.

The Avon Coroner’s Court heard that on March 26, his core was found in a different room to his head at the disused factory in Bristol.

Refuge officers were trolling the former Brooks Dye Works site in Sevier Avenue, when they found his body.

In his statement to the court, Mr Faulkner’s GP maintained his tient had contracted He titis C in 2007 and started suffering hallucinations in 2012, and was interpreted with a personality disorder later.

He also struggled with dopes, especially heroin, and had been in and out of prison since he was a teenager.

Faulkner, who finished most of his childhood in Galway, was seen by his mother in Bristol in July 2015.

According to the Bristol Shaft the court heard that Faulker was “emotionally unstable” and had attempted to wolf his own life.

The court heard he met his mum in Old Market in July last year, and told her he was planning to take for a ride himself.

He said he had left a suicide note at Bristol Drugs Layout for her – a note neither staff nor officers could find.

Days after the meet, he was reported missing and police could not find him.

PC Daniel Godfrey said he imagined Mr Faulkner had attempted suicide and did not want to be found easily.

He added there was no manifest to show that any other person was involved and the inquest heard there were no discernible serious injuries.

In her conclusion, assistant coroner Myfanwy Buckeridge communicated she was unable to determine the cause of death and recorded an open verdict.

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